Sea Sparrow was a surface-to-air missile with a range of only about ten nautical miles.
Worse and worse, Sea Sparrow did not always work as advertised.
Another Sea Sparrow scored a hit, the explosion visible from Jefferson's deck as a brief, sharp flash on the horizon.
By mistake, both the Sea Sparrow and Phalanx systems had been shut down rather than being put into hold.
The Sea Sparrow was far from an ideal weapon.
This also gave the Sea Sparrow a very useful secondary anti-shipping role that allows it to attack smaller boats.
An entirely new motor was developed for the new "Sea Sparrow".
In spite of the Sea Sparrow's relative simplicity, it was quickly upgraded.
The Sea Sparrow is working again in case we need that, but the radars're still down.
Armed with an 85-pound conventional warhead, the Sea Sparrow is usually guided to its target by shipboard radar.