"The Sea Hunters," published in 1953, is considered one of the best histories of whaling between the 17th and 19th centuries.
The Sea Hunters have also produced a program on the A.H.F.C. involvement in the ongoing search for the models.
I had many fun experiences with those three fine men that are related in the book The Sea Hunters.
For an account of the tragedy of the Leopoldville, check your history books or read the chapter in The Sea Hunters.
The Sea Hunters: Acknowledgment.
For a more detailed description of the battle, read The Sea Hunters by Clive Cussler and this author.
For more detail on the Leopoldville, see the book The Sea Hunters.
Two years earlier, he'd published a nonfiction account of his NUMA expeditions called "The Sea Hunters."
There is also a television series titled The Sea Hunters which is based on the book.
Clive Cussler briefly cites this legendary figure in his nonfiction book The Sea Hunters, in the chapter concerning the U-20.