Scripps Ranch is a suburb of San Diego, California.
The average annual income in Scripps Ranch is $73,000, and that relative affluence is one of the reasons it was chosen as a testbed.
His company is 45 minutes north of Scripps Ranch, in San Clemente, and he is able to work from home two or three days a week.
A fire that swept through Scripps Ranch nine months ago, destroying 312 homes, made the neighborhood's dependence on the Web especially clear.
Without the pervasiveness of broadband in Scripps Ranch, she said, certain options would not exist.
Scripps Ranch was carved out of picturesque canyon land north of San Diego in the 1970's and 80's.
Scripps Ranch is a community of San Diego, California in the northeastern part of that city.
Scripps Ranch is a coastal/inland bedroom community within the City of San Diego.
Miramar Reservoir is located within Scripps Ranch and offers recreational boating and fishing.
In October 2003, a section of south Scripps Ranch was devastated by the Cedar Fire, destroying over 300 homes.