Several of the national Scout organizations use the emblem in various ways.
Each national Scout organization determines the manner is which the emblem is worn.
By 1997, the Scout organization had developed well enough to gain recognition from the World Bureau.
Additionally, every team composed a message of peace for the Scout organisation represented by their igloo.
The Scout organization forbids youths from sleeping in a tent with an adult other than his parent or guardian.
At that time, the Iranian Scout organization was one of the strongest Scout's organizations in the world.
Scouts and Girl Guides often work together in community development projects, which are frequently supported by Scout organizations from other countries.
Thanks to the many international institutions in Belgium there are some international Scout organizations active in the country.
Scouting traces back to 1911-1913 in Bulgaria, with the founding of a national Scout organization following in 1923.
King's Scout can refer to several ranks in Scout organizations around the world: