The game ended in another Scottish victory, but Tait would not represent his country in rugby again.
Their use undoubtedly contributed to the resounding Scottish victory.
The Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 was an especially important Scottish victory.
It is an account of the Scottish victory at the Battle of Otterburn in 1388.
The game did not go well for Wales and the threequarter system was abandoned mid-match, which caused further confusion, resulting in a simple Scottish victory.
He had met the boy two days before the first battle of the rebellion; the Scottish victory at Prestonpans.
The tapestry could well end with a Scottish victory.
The first of these was between Canada and Scotland, which resulted in a Scottish victory by 7 wickets.
The Battle of Bannockburn (23-24 June 1314) was an important Scottish victory.
The first of these saw Bermuda play Scotland, which resulted in a Scottish victory by 6 wickets.