Bannockburn confirmed the re-establishment of an independent Scottish monarchy.
About 1500 the Scottish monarchy turned to the recording of royal likenesses in panel portraits.
The office of sheriff dates from the early days of the Scottish monarchy.
It was not just the Scottish monarchy and local municipalities that wished to crack down on the playing of football.
The continentalisation of the Scottish monarchy and Anglicisation of the later medieval Scottish elite meant that Gaelic manuscripts would never be preserved in Scotland.
The chapel is topped with an Imperial Crown, i.e. a closed crown, which appears to make a claim to imperial status for the Scottish monarchy.
Adam Otterburn was an important servant of the Scottish monarchy in law and diplomacy.
At the same time, in Scotland, the Convention of Estates enacted the Claim of Right Act 1689 which placed similar limits on the Scottish monarchy.
The Scottish monarchy of this period based its succession system on the rule of tanistry.
His son and successor James IV continued its use as a symbol of the Scottish monarchy.