Austrian School economists focus on the amplifying, "wave-like" effects of the credit cycle as the primary cause of most business cycles.
Bureaucracy is a political book written by Austrian School economist and libertarian thinker Ludwig von Mises.
Murray Rothbard: The central theorist of anarcho-capitalism and an Austrian School economist.
Austrian School economists have argued that capitalism can organize itself into a complex system without an external guidance or central planning mechanism.
Unlike most other Austrian School economists, he rejected classical liberalism, writing that "freedom has to be superseded by a system of order."
Joseph T. Salerno is an Austrian School economist in the United States.
Mark Andrew Skousen (born 1947) is an American Austrian School economist, investment analyst, newsletter editor, college professor and author.
Austrian School economists argue that austerity measures do not necessarily increase or decrease economic growth.
It was first used extensively by the Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises.
Walter Edward Block (born 21 August 1941) is an Austrian School economist and prominent anarcho-capitalist.