It originally took place in Schiller Park and has been held at various locations within the German Village neighborhood.
The troupe first performed on the grass, and later on a simple wooden stage erected at the southern end of Schiller Park.
Schiller Park serves the needs for this area.
The strip is bounded on the north by Rosemont and the south by Schiller Park.
It was sited in Schiller Park, which had been renamed in 1905 to honor the centennial of Schiller's death.
The name was changed from Round Top Park to Schiller Park on July 3, 1905.
The loop drives in Schiller Park complemented and emphasized the park's drumlin landform.
Schiller Park today is over 37 acres in size and has nearly 3 miles of roads.
Schiller Park is a village in Cook County, Illinois, United States.
In Schiller Park, neighbors described Mr. Hajda as a quiet man who took care of his garden.