In the Scandinavian versions, the stress is more on the gradual divulgence of the fact that the son will never return home to his mother.
The second reissue of the album, featuring a slightly different track listing and almost the same artwork as the Scandinavian version, with only "In Kiev!"
The Scandinavian version for the name Helen is Lena; here, it means "torch", metaphorically representing something that shows light and leads the path.
Since the Scandinavian version can transform himself into a horse-like kelpie, he is also called Bäckahästen (the "brook horse").
This is the oldest scandinavian version of this name, older than 'Tale' which is the version more commonly used today.
It is a centralised structure, a Scandinavian version of a Byzantine theme.
There's a mystical quality to the elixir; it's like a Scandinavian version of communion wine, fraught with ritual.
The publication is also published in a Scandinavian version, called Arbeidsliv i Norden.
It was the earliest Scandinavian version of the story, and is thought to be the first Norwegian adaptation of an Old French work.
It is a Scandinavian version of an Italian village church.