In the summer of 1965, the border was open for Scandinavian tourists, who were allowed to visit a heavily guarded area around Borisoglebsky.
We take our place in the queue behind two hundred Scandinavian tourists and three hundred British drunks.
Information, even from the Scandinavian tourist boards, was difficult to obtain.
It was named 'The White Goat', and there were handsome British and Scandinavian tourists there.
He was true to form, though, when I was followed by a chattering family of Scandinavian tourists: he stood slowly and lumbered off.
While the body lay on the ground, two planeloads of Scandinavian tourists landed and disembarked, unaware of the tragedy nearby.
For a Scandinavian tourist visiting a Mediterranean country, the situation would be reversed, though with probably more trivial consequences.
It is also especially popular with Scandinavian tourists, with many businesses catering especially to them.
Occasionally a bewildered family of Scandinavian tourists would wander into the paint-peeling lobby, an old hotel guidebook in their hand that had recommended the place.
Most of the dead were Scandinavian tourists.