Braathens SAFE was hindered by the charter regulations from making intercontinental flights, as well as flights between the Scandinavian capitals.
In particular, the three airlines wanted to capture the two million passengers that travelled between the three Scandinavian capitals: Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm.
It opened at the same time as the Grand Hotel in Oslo and all Scandinavian capitals have a major Hotel called 'Grand Hotel'.
In 1998, the chorus toured three Scandinavian capitals.
Especially since this tour-cruise to four Scandinavian capitals, St. Petersburg and an optional side trip to Berlin was for "experienced travelers."
By almost any standard this Scandinavian capital might be considered a bastion of wholesomeness.
The population of Oslo was by 2010 increasing at a record rate of nearly 2% annually (17% over the last 15 years), making it the fastest-growing Scandinavian capital.
Particularly good are the connections with Scandinavian and Baltic capitals.
It concerns the Nordic triangle, designed to link the Scandinavian capitals by high-speed train and motorway.
The 733 United Nations soldiers who have died keeping the peace in troubled places were remembered today in the ancient cathedral of this Scandinavian capital.