Previously the rules stated that if SAS flew to a non-Scandinavian destination from any capital, no other Scandinavian airlines could fly to that city.
The same day, the Ministry of Transport announced that any Scandinavian airline could apply for and receive concessions to fly to Gatwick.
The Scandinavian airline?
And that the witness had thought the murderer worked for SAS, the Scandinavian airline, proved to be a false lead.
The murderer had nothing to do with the Scandinavian airline.
For its part, British Caledonian's management prefers to link with the Scandinavian airline, largely because S.A.S. has pledged to maintain its independence.
Scandinavian Airlines destinations for the list of destinations served by Scandinavian airlines.
In February, for example, he spoke with representatives from SAS, the Scandinavian airline, about buying its cosmetic kits and blankets from village factories.
All formalities with external parties were completed on 12 March, and the operations approved by the board of the three Scandinavian airlines on 6 April.
US authorities urged the Scandinavian airlines to make a common bid for the traffic rights, and the flag carriers started discussing creating a consortium.