The Savoy Palace, a very large and elegant palace, was built on the property.
In addition to leading these rebels, Ferrour burned down the Savoy Palace and stole a duke's chest of gold.
The society was formed at the Fountain Coffee House in 1720, the site of the former Savoy Palace on London's Strand.
At one point he was forced to take refuge across the river Thames, while his Savoy Palace only just escaped looting.
The Savoy Palace was systematically destroyed by the mob, and burned to the ground.
John of Gaunt's Savoy Palace was burnt down.
He died at the Savoy Palace in April 1364.
He built the Savoy Palace in London.
He chose the name in honour of the Savoy Palace.
When he felt the aura peak again opposite the lane between Somerset House and the Savoy Palace, he rode south.