The Spanish have a name for any and every Saudi ruler: King Midas.
It would be totally out of character for the low-key present Saudi rulers, however, to say they expect assistance of a similar kind from their current American protectors.
No previous Saudi ruler has found himself in such a squeeze.
He accuses the Saudi rulers of corruption and calls for a peaceful transition to stricter Islamic rule.
Saudi rulers are terrified that thoughts of religious freedom, or any other kind, linger from having had Americans around to protect them from Iraq.
The Administration apparently feels the Saudi rulers are ripe for bringing on board to achieve its goal of toppling the Iraqi leader.
Saudi rulers winked at the terrorist operations as long as they were directed outside their borders.
Ibn Saud was not the first Saudi ruler to control much of Arabia.
Frankly, I have a soft spot for the de facto Saudi ruler, Crown Prince Abdullah, who is a man of decency and moderation.
"The new Shah Fahd, the corrupting agent," Teheran calls the Saudi ruler.