It has built an industrial training school that accommodates classes of 1,000 Saudi men over 18.
On that subject, a Saudi man who politely turned a visitor away from his office in Buraida stopped first to offer a piece of advice.
They were immediately wary of two Saudi men who stopped to offer help.
Saudi men are permitted to marry whomever they choose.
But that's how it can be - many Saudi men are afraid of independent and educated women.
She runs a department of 186 people, including 50 Saudi men who report to her.
Imagine being a Saudi man with six daughters and no chauffeur - that's a soccer dad on steroids.
The other four Saudi men released when he was were:
She was sharply critical of most Saudi men, who, she said, "treat women as mindless all the time."
Short sarawil are worn by most Saudi men.