The Saturday game will be slightly smaller, with some 38,000 players and a Big Top of about 19,000.
The biggest questions for the Jets going into the Saturday game centered on the defensive unit.
"And in college I was always out recruiting on Friday night before our Saturday game."
Without the Saturday games, the rating for 15 Monday games was an 11.5.
That said, some things have changed since then, so here's a basic read on the Saturday games, with the Sunday ones to follow.
There was only one fight in the Saturday game, but it delighted the crowd.
Playing a Saturday game on the road means less preparation time.
Roche added an assist in the Saturday game for a 7-point weekend.
The Saturday game took place in the morning, and the men liked to return home and collapse on the couch.
In Saturday games, there were no major upheavels among top-10 teams.