Apart from being a home to wildlife, wetlands provide Saskatchewan residents with valuable ecosystem services, such as water quality improvement, flood control, nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration.
Battleford and North Battleford are collectively referred to as the Battlefords by Saskatchewan residents, as well as on highway signage.
The rationale was put forth that Saskatchewan residents were being taken advantage of by companies owned outside the province who set rates too high.
In private correspondence, he told a Saskatchewan resident that "the Jews control all means of gathering news and of propaganda".
Supported by throngs of Saskatchewan residents wintering in Arizona, the dedicated fans who attended the team's games did catch the attention of GBL commissioner Kevin Outcalt.
Started in 1946 by Edward Rawlinson (1912-1992), a Saskatchewan resident born in Qu'Appelle, it became one of Canada's most successful broadcasting companies.
MacKenzie Art Gallery Regina and Mendel Art Gallery Saskatoon are two of the main centres showcasing visual arts for Saskatchewan residents.
Encourages physical activity by all Saskatchewan residents.
All service members were not affiliated, and were elected to represent Saskatchewan residents stationed in France, Belgium and Great Britain.
Saskatoon preferred Highway 11 because the alternative would bypass it and not provide as many Saskatchewan residents the transportation benefits of direct access to a paved highway.