College, Chittoor, worked in various government colleges and then in 1951 joined Department of Sanskrit, Chennai University.
Upon completion of his monastic training, Khempo received his master's degree from the Sanskrit University in Varanasi, India.
At the request of the Dalai Lama, Pawo served as an instructor at the Sanskrit University in Benares from 1962 until 1966.
As a part of this project, he lectured in the Universities of Burdwan, Madras, Kerala and Puri (Sanskrit University).
A Sanskrit University, set up by Govt.
Kalady, the birthplace of Adi Sri Sankara is only 7 kilometers from here, it is there the Sanskrit University situates.
In 1978/79 he took sitar lessons at the Sanskrit University in Benares.
There he was given a traditional tulku education, supplemented by five years of schooling at Sanskrit University in Varanasi, India.
Maharashtra state was lacking an independent Sanskrit University before 1997.
The "Bahur Plates", issued in the 8th century speak of a Sanskrit University that was here from an earlier period.