Several of the student leaders are Sandinista candidates for public office in elections to be held later this year.
A group at the Texnicsa textile factory in Managua recently said they were pressured to vote for pre-selected Sandinista candidates for union office.
In 1984, he was the Sandinista candidate for president and won a large victory in an election boycotted by part of the opposition.
The Sandinista candidate, Daniel Ortega Saavedra, won 63 percent of the votes cast and Dr. Guido, the next most successful candidate, received 13 percent.
The superior Sandinista organization has been visible from the earliest days of the campaign, permitting Sandinista candidates to dominate everything from roadside advertising to voter identification efforts.
Official results show Sandinista candidates winning 94 of the 146 municipal mayorships, compared to 46 for the main opposition Liberal Constitutional Party (PLC).
Mr. Carrion is likely to be the Sandinista candidate for Mayor when local elections are held this year or next.
President Daniel Ortega Saavedra is expected to run for re-election as the Sandinista candidate.
A Sandinista candidate won in Bilwi - a bit shocking in the Contra stronghold - and the World Court ruled that elections were tainted.
She faces the Sandinista candidate, President Daniel Ortega Saavedra, in elections scheduled for Feb. 25.