The families, mostly Salvadoran immigrants, claimed that they were being pushed out of the village because of their ethnicity.
After the week-long football war, as many as 130,000 Salvadoran immigrants were expelled.
Salvadoran immigrants from Los Angeles to Washington praised the administration's decision.
By 2008, there were about 1.1 million Salvadoran immigrants in the United States.
Salvadoran immigrants are densely concentrated in a few cities, and they have a strong infrastructure in refugee organizations.
It has about 60 regular members, mostly Salvadoran immigrants.
The four passengers, all Salvadoran immigrants, were heading home to Harlem from a restaurant in New Jersey, relatives said.
Three Salvadoran immigrants died in the fire early last Sunday at 28 West Hills Road.
Salvadoran immigrants appreciated the ease of doing their banking in Spanish, without having to supply Social Security numbers.
The other 15 passengers, all Salvadoran immigrants who lived in Queens, were injured, according to the New Jersey State Police.