Its campus at this time was located along the Salisbury Road, west of Moncton's central business district.
(Salisbury Road was not laid out till the late 19th century, however).
Construction of the first pier on the present location started in 1904, after the great land reclamation which extended Salisbury Road.
He slowed down as he passed under the arch; there was no way back to Salisbury Road but through the entrance.
David joined the stampede at the arch and slithered his way through the crowds to Salisbury Road.
The building is located on Salisbury Road and Canton Road.
Another major road, Salisbury Road, was completed in approximately the same period.
Ned dodged the traffic on Salisbury Road, mindful of the gun tucked in his belt.
The milestone on the west side of Salisbury Road, Burton.
Drop me off around ten streets from Salisbury Road and get out of the area.