Sales to consumers slumped more than 16 percent, to $4 billion.
Sales slumped and the forecast was $108 billion too high.
Red Dog's sales have slumped by more than a quarter.
It was very widely read in the 1990s but its sales have slumped more recently.
Sales worldwide had slumped to less than 14,000 cars a year, from 30,000 in the early 1970's.
Sales slumped 15% to just over 1bn euros, and are now at less than half their levels a year ago.
After five record years, sales of new autos slumped 7 percent in the first six months.
Its sales slumped for the first time, and it struggled to recover.
A decade ago, sales of comedy records had slumped, and they received little air play on radio.
Even in Japan, though, sales of video and audio equipment slumped.