Elizabeth Howe was accused of afflicting several other girls within Salem Village.
Prior to 1692, there had been rumors of witchcraft in villages neighboring Salem Village and other towns.
She was also the first person to confess to witchcraft in Salem Village.
Mot long after, he'd stumbled onto the reference to Verfallen in Salem Village.
Perhaps she was previously confused with another alleged witch, Sarah Bishop of Salem Village.
Salem Village also included Peabody and parts of present-day Beverly.
The anger Mather refers to was generated by a number of land disputes in and around Salem Village.
He was present at the examination of his friend John Alden on May 31, 1692, in Salem Village.
Reverend Deodat Lawson was the minister of Salem Village from 1684 to 1688.
Salem Village was a contentious place to live and was known to be quarrelsome by neighbouring towns and villages.