Saddam City is the natural place to foment such instability.
There was only a limited unrest in the vast slum of Saddam City, while the rest of the capital remained calm.
The lack of food is felt keenly in Saddam City, one of Baghdad's poorer neighborhoods.
Saddam City, in effect, had been captured without even the Americans having to fire a shot.
As elsewhere in Iraq, there are few indications in Saddam City that anyone is seriously preparing for war.
In middle-class districts of Baghdad, many people were not waiting to find out what the events in Saddam City might portend.
Residents of the area, called Saddam City under the previous government, were ordered to work by clerics.
Saddam City was also considered one of the best 56 novels in the world by the website Library Thing.
The streets of Saddam City are on fire, but at the local firehouse, the workers sit around puffing cigarettes and drinking tea.
The rebellion reached Saddam City, and the Menati men responded with glee.