On March 6, a Jew at Sabbath prayers at the Western Wall was shot by a local Arab.
They were returning from Sabbath prayers at the Tomb of the Patriarchs shrine, where 29 Muslims were massacred by a settler nearly two years ago.
"I admit that we planned to destroy the synagogue after Sabbath prayers," Mr. Beandali said.
My synagogue, the Shul of New York, on Norfolk Street, draws nearly 500 people for the High Holy Days and close to 100 for Friday night Sabbath prayer.
Official Israeli spokesmen initially described the battle as a massacre of civilian Israeli settlers returning from Sabbath prayers.
All business ceased; ominously the Jews of Turkey dropped the name of the Sultan from the Sabbath prayers and put in Shabbetai's name instead.
Friday evenings find diners at many restaurants in the area lighting a candle, reciting a Sabbath prayer.
On 6 September 1986 a terrorist from the Palestinian organization of Abu Nidal shot with a machine gun visitors at Istanbul synagogue Neve Shalom during Sabbath prayers.
Zevel Zilberts, in his setting of the Sabbath prayer "Yismechu," for example, put a lilting modal melody over a distinctively Russian choral sound.
An African-American man, a former basketball coach at Northwestern University, was killed, and six Orthodox Jews walking home from Sabbath prayers were injured.