One trial, in the Mwanza district of Tanzania, documented that continuous provision of improved STD treatment reduces the acquisition of HIV infection (24).
This lower HIV incidence was not accompanied by changes in sexual behavior or by condom use that might confound the direct association between improved STD treatment and lowered HIV incidence.
Modeling also suggests other findings relevant to the role of STD treatment in a comprehensive approach to HIV prevention.
Studies of STD screening in nonhealth-care settings (e.g., jails, workplaces, and communities) or health-care settings where STD treatment is not the primary function (e.g., family-planning clinics) suggest that most persons with gonorrhea or chlamydia are asymptomatic.
This common lack of symptoms for gonorrhea and chlamydia has important implications for treatment of these STDs, as well as for the way in which STD treatment can be used for HIV prevention.
All health-care providers who care for persons with or at risk for STDs should be aware of current national guidelines for STD treatment (76) and should provide care according to those guidelines or to local adaptations of those guidelines.
Randomised trials of STD treatment for HIV prevention: Report of an international workshop.
The impact of drug treatments at birth and while nursing, enhanced STD treatment, and risk avoidance is projected by a lower rate scenario The model makes provisions for migration of the population, separate modeling of racial groups, and separate modeling of provincial populations.
Most STD treatments do not protect you from getting the same infection again.