Nevertheless, there are some objective evidences, and these tend to point toward the idea that the SF reader, too, tends to favor short work in the sense that it seems to be more readily discussible.
While SF readers are in the top percentile..." "Space balls!
Mr Burkett is not himself an SF reader.
I'm a pretty heavy SF reader and I've never heard of it.
Instead, I fell, almost by accident, into writing in a genre often scorned by SF readers: romance.
It remains to be seen how this one goes down, but from the viewpoint of the more casual SF reader like me, the list has done its job.
This kind of SF is particularly valued by hard SF readers because it is comparatively scarce and requires intense effort by the writer to be accurate to known science.
And they lose the SF readers, who avoid the mainstream racks because the stuff there ain't half weird enough.
Slipstream might seem to be an artificial construct, a mere grab-bag of mainstream books that happen to hold some interest for SF readers.
These are books which SF readers recommend to friends: "This isn't SF, but it sure ain't mainstream and I think you might like it, okay?"