The show is based in Riga, Latvia where a large Russian-speaking population lives.
Riverdale is well known for its substantial Jewish, Irish and Russian-speaking populations.
The neighborhood soon had the largest Russian-speaking population in the city and perhaps in the nation.
In many regions of the country, where the Russian-speaking population reaches millions, people lack proper educational facilities and are therefore deprived of their fundamental rights.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the city was dominated by Russian-speaking population, while the lower classes retained Ukrainian folk culture to a significant extent.
The displacement of the Russian-speaking population from the industrial sphere, science and education has weakened these spheres.
The Estonians require a language test before full civil rights are granted, to the dismay of their Russian-speaking population.
The events have shown clearly how poorly the Russian-speaking population has integrated into Estonian society.
Why does a large proportion of the Russian-speaking population not want to apply for citizenship?
This possibility caused fears among the Russian-speaking population that it would be excluded from most aspects of public life.