However in 2008 study of Aleksanteri Institute, calculated 45,000 Russian-speaking people.
According to Statistics Finland, there were 48,740 Russian-speaking people in 2008.
Many Russian-speaking people read "2014" as "Zoich" upon presentation of Sochi-2014 logo.
"There are 500,000 Russian-speaking people in New York," he told an audience in English before a performance this week.
After a few hours, around 1,000 people, mostly Russian-speaking, had surrounded the police cordon and some from the group attempted to break through it.
They saw a significant migration of Russian-speaking people.
"Russia will fulfill its international obligations, but the rights of Russian-speaking people must be respected."
Many New Yorkers may be surprised, but not the 300,000 Russian-speaking people who live in the region.
If people do leave, they are replaced for the most part by Russian-speaking people.
There was a gulag located near Shymkent, and many Russian-speaking people came to the area via imprisonment.