Miners are better paid than most Russian workers, earning up to $500 a month in a country where the average wage is $125.
At this time there were 3 million Russian industrial workers, just 3% of the population.
When the ink is dry, Russian workers will get their pay, he said, plus an 80 percent annual interest rate on the money past due.
Too many Russian workers feel that the new economic system is being shoved down their throats.
The ones I mean were the Russian workers and the peasants.
After democratization in 1992, when the Russian workers left, large parts of the economy collapsed.
By the middle of the 19th century, the developing industry began to attract Russian workers.
Russian workers are paid about $300 a month, while company employees in France make an average of $3,500.
It is true that in 1914 most Russian workers still had rural ties and very often owned land.
More than 30 percent of Russian workers are in private enterprise.