Russian veterans condemned the turret hatches of early models.
To see British and Russian veterans standing together, in memory of the sacrifices of their comrades-in-arms, was a moving experience.
He also helped organize the evacuation of Russian veterans of the Corps and was one of the last to leave the camp in 1951.
Vassili Kononov, 88, Russian military veteran and war criminal.
I don't know why whoever organized it forgot about Russian veterans.
Among the Russian veterans of the moon race, wistfulness about the space program is inseparable from a larger disenchantment.
The first visitors included Russian veterans of the siege.
Then he walked to the center of Grozny, where he met 60 other Russian veterans of the war being remembered today.
Russian veterans of Soviet war in Afghanistan often call themselves shuravi.
Only four days before, I had met a Russian veteran of the Afghan conflict.