Russia also argued that because the economies of the former Soviet republics were developed with Russian financial support, it deserved more.
This would also likely win Russian and French support.
If the numbers hold, Labor could gain an extra four parliamentary seats on the strength of Russian support.
Even Iraq's biological weapons can be replenished with Russian support.
Georgia accused the Abkhazian side to have carried out the attack with Russian support.
In another change designed to gain Chinese and Russian support, the resolution now says the inspection process will be "cooperative" with local authorities.
That will not help him win long-term Russian support for the counterattack against terrorism.
Despite scarcely hidden Russian military support, including the use of army volunteers and air power, the council has been unsuccessful.
As it weighed the implications of those findings, the administration maneuvered to win Russian support for sanctions.
Without Russian support, America will struggle to achieve most of its immediate and long-term goals in the international arena.