The Russian reaction - humiliated, angry, even petulant - had a familiar ring, but from another era.
"But Russian reaction to a unilateral breach of an arms control agreement is relevant to our security and could leave us a lot less secure."
Russian official reaction included both strong condemnations and promises of retaliation against the perpetrators.
The Russian reaction had been as simple as it was effective.
The vehemence of the Russian reaction to these events reflects, in part, a sensitivity over their country's weakened position.
Russian reaction to the tours, in general, was not good, and a negative report of their visit followed when they returned to Russia.
"The Russian reaction was in part for domestic political consumption," a senior official said.
"What was the Russian reaction to this discovery?"
Western analysts say there are several possible explanations for the Russian reaction.
When the money failed to arrive and the transition foundered, the Russian reaction was to feel betrayed.