On each occasion Russian objections prevented ratification of the proposals.
Russian objections led the Dreikaiserbund to ask for a conference of ambassadors at Constantinople to summon the prince to withdraw.
Among the biggest sticking points during the negotiations over the resolution were Chinese and Russian objections to language requiring inspections of ships leaving North Korea.
But he declined to specify the Russian objections.
The Hukuang loan was held up by Russian and Japanese objections, and never made after the revolution in October.
For the foreseeable future Moscow and Washington will remain at least potential adversaries, as evidenced by the nature of Russian objections to American missile-defense plans.
Limiting U.S. naval operations in the area could soften Russian military objections.
Though Russian and Chinese objections to an American missile defense are often lumped together, the two nations' circumstances are vastly different.
Administration officials acknowledged that this was left out of the communique because of Russian objections.
Ms. Rice reiterated American plans to install the system over Russian objections.