As time passed, the Russian monarchy gradually eroded the ethnic German population's relative autonomy.
In these respects, Paul marks the beginning of Russian monarchy as we know it in the 19th century.
Four State Dumas came into existence before the Russian monarchy ended.
As the Russian monarchy contributed to the degradation of the serfs, peasant anger ran high.
He never graduated, instead devoting his time to the revolutionary movement against the Russian monarchy.
The botik was used in many state ceremonies by later Russian monarchies.
After the fall of the Russian monarchy in 1917, they escaped to Finland where she gave birth to her only son.
This would all change with the fall of the Russian monarchy.
At about this time, the eagle's color was changed from golden to black, which would be retained until the fall of the Russian monarchy in 1917.
They retain their religion, culture and language, but the Russian monarchy gradually eroded the relative autonomy they had been promised.