His allies even blame the World Bank, which financed the closing of unprofitable Russian mines in the 1990's.
On Christmas Day 1944, about 60 young men and women were taken to Siberia to work in Russian mines.
Bremen was sunk by a Russian mine in December 1915, but the other five ships of the class survived the war.
Bremen struck Russian mines in December 1915 and sank with the majority of her crew going down with her.
The TM-89 is a Russian anti-tank mine first publicly shown in 1993.
She was probably sunk by a Russian mine.
Maybe they did just want to store up some Russian mines for some future mission.
But Mahmud, who lost his right leg to a Russian mine in 1991, was slowed by his ill-fitting prosthesis.
I'll tell you why: because I think it's a Russian mine.
Four months later, on 17 December, she struck two Russian naval mines and sank, with the loss of 250 of her crew.