Russian factories that produced the parts have closed, and scientists who know how to work with the systems have been forced to seek other jobs.
After a reporter asked about conditions in Russian factories, Gap sent officials to look at several sites.
Russian factories in Moscow and Leningrad would operate the various complexes.
Russian factories continue to churn out steel and other products that no one needs.
He pictured Russian factories, workers building missiles; pictured them weakening as they exhausted their supplies of food.
The delays are important because Russian factories and consumers need Western currency to buy the imports needed to revive industrial production.
The building, which utilized concrete beams and girders cast in a Russian factory, was later found to be riddled with secret listening devices.
Most of the military plates in today's sale were made in Russian factories in the mid-1800's.
Even as the government begins regulating large Russian factories, a smaller, new producer is gaining a foothold.
When asked which of the Russian factories made the discs he was selling, Aleksandr began to laugh along with the boys browsing at his stand.