This money went in part to finance decommissioning of warheads under international agreements, but also to improve security and personnel training in Russian nuclear facilities.
Afterwards a boycott of Russian educational facilities was proclaimed and the number of Polish students dropped to below 10%.
The port of Tartus is home to a small Russian naval facility.
The Russian government decided to send a battalion to the country to protect Russian facilities.
CTR goals to complete security upgrades at Russian nuclear facilities are expected to be finished on time by end-2008.
So when the inevitable invitations to tour other Russian facilities in the area came, I was not surprised.
"The Russian facility will down-blend the fissile material to low enriched uranium that cannot be used to make a bomb," it added.
An American laboratory analysis indicates that the material most likely originated at a Russian nuclear facility.
Megatron sets out to free him from captivity in a Russian facility, destroying the cryo tanks keeping him frozen.
Toyota began producing the Camry at its Russian facility in December 2007.