The Russian debts were never paid, and a dubious method was used to write off the loss made on the marine engines.
It would have been used to pay old Russian debts to the monetary fund.
Someone is out there buying this Russian debt.
Total cost of the purchase is said to be $39.4 million, two-thirds of which will be covered by existing Russian debt.
The firm is said to have invested less than 1 percent of its portfolio in Russian debt.
Russian debt has become investment grade.
When investors see their portfolios lose 90 percent of their value, as those holding Russian debt have, two things happen.
Russian debts are a funny business, as big Western banks have learned to their horror and chagrin.
The United States may yet agree to renegotiate Russian debt.
Should the West, by assuming the burden of Russian debt supranationally, keep those in power who enslave their people with money and television?