Russian criminals who were sent to Siberia can be called convicts.
"Because if the investigation is carried out competently, we will see that Russian criminals will be caught red-handed."
That case revealed the ties between Russian emigre criminals and the traditional Italian organized-crime families.
Your wife's phone number," he growled, "appears among numbers belonging to some Russian criminals who are working in town at the moment.
They testified against a group of Russian criminals, I know that.
Russian criminals who were shipped to Siberia can arguably be regarded as convicts.
There was also speculation among investigators that the hit-style shooting might have been ordered by Russian organized criminals.
The Russian criminals, as imagined by the movie, are a fearsome mob of glowering bilingual villains who speak English with perfect American accents.
He'd asked for protection after he testified against a group of Russian criminals working in the U.S.
This is usually in the context of the Russian criminals' law, which punishes betrayal very harshly.