Russian biologists have contributed some of biology's greatest findings.
With the increasing importance of genetics, conservation and microbiology, Russian biologists may yet discover some of nature's most amazing secrets.
Some Russian biologists believe there is a small group of Kamchatka Giant Bears that survived the most recent ice age.
Although their reliability is unclear, rangewide estimates of 5-6,000 bears have been presented by Russian biologists.
Vyacheslav Bisikov, a Russian biologist, agrees that it is possible for an octopus to become attracted to a striped flag.
The Russian biologists had been called home and the lab was empty when he arrived.
Russian biologists and scientists have studied the local dog population since the 18th century.
After years of studying these fish, Russian biologists have established a surprising fact.
He said he "categorically rejected" the claim that Iran is hiring Russian biologists to work on germ warfare.
Iran has succeeded in attracting several Russian biologists to Teheran, said colleagues who identified them in recent interviews.