However, Couture found the Mistassini Lake and he goes to the Rupert River.
The James Bay Project continues to expand, with work that began in 2010 on a new phase that involves the diversion of the Rupert River.
The Rupert River is one of the largest rivers in Quebec, Canada.
While having lost its importance as a trade route, the Rupert River has long been a popular destination for recreational canoe camping and whitewater canoeing.
"It's never easy to compromise on something we have always depended on like the Rupert River," Chief Longchap said.
It became a supply depot for and access point to the Rupert River, Lake Mistassini, and other areas of northern Quebec.
The Nonsuch founded Fort Rupert at the mouth of the Rupert River.
In 1669, while in the English service, he sailed along the coast from the Rupert River to the Nelson River.
On 25 September the Nonsuch reached the mouth of the Rupert River where they built a fort for the winter.
In 1674, on another journey to the Rupert River he was captured by the English and taken to England.