If anyone is ready to do the educating, it is Chris Sell, 37, originally from Rugby, England.
Originally from Rugby, England, he spent his teenage years working at the shop across the street from his home.
Holography - First developed by Dennis Gabor in Rugby, England.
He was born in Rugby, Warwickshire, England in 1831.
The owners, Christopher and Victoria Sell (he is from Rugby, England), live around the corner.
Caldecott Park is an urban park located in the centre of Rugby, England.
She was born in Rugby, Warwickshire, England on 30 December 1863.
Frank Whittle ground-tests the world's first jet engine designed to power an aircraft, at Rugby, England.
He died in Rugby, England in 1944.
His father was born in Rugby, England, which allowed Rodd to become a British citizen in November 2005.