Roy Fisher, an unemployed landscape gardener, had pleaded not guilty to raping a 28 year old woman in Oxford city centre last August.
Roy Fisher wrote that the series embodied and represented "the fears and anxieties of young people about their lives in general and about school in particular".
Roy Fisher was born, educated and taught in Birmingham, before moving to the Department of American Studies at Keele University in 1971.
The second book, also appearing in 1972, was "Bluebeard's Castle," and Mr. King had the poet Roy Fisher write the verse text.
Contributors included Roy Fisher, Knute Skinner.
Current practice includes the enormously influential canon of Roy Fisher (also a major player in the Revival).
Roy Fisher raped two women in Oxford last year.
Roy Fisher (born 1930) is a British poet and jazz pianist.
In 2005 Roy Fisher was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.
News for the Ear: a homage to Roy Fisher (Stride, 2000)