The team comes from Rowan College, and if the name is puzzling, there's a story behind it.
And at Rowan College in Glassboro, students will pay $282 more to cover items like a new recreational complex and computer upkeep.
Glassboro is now likely to be renamed Rowan College of New Jersey.
Wednesday night, with Montclair playing host to Rowan College, he would call for an update four or five times.
Rocco later became a professor at Rowan College.
If you try calling Rowan College from now on, the operator will answer "Rowan University."
Ms. Bunguard used a combination of strategies to get through Rowan College in four years.
At Rowan College, for example, the whole process takes about six weeks to complete.
Rowan College will become the first state college to offer a doctoral program.
Rowan College has two historic claims to fame.