India is the third largest contributor to The Rotary Foundation.
Following this, he won a prize from the Rotary Foundation, allowing him to study in the country of his choice for a year.
He became the largest contributor to the Rotary Foundation in 1990.
Ambassadorial Scholarships (founded 1947) is the oldest program of the Rotary Foundation and probably the best-known.
An important supporter have been various Rotary International clubs who collaborate in providing Rotary Foundation matched humanitarian grants.
Funding came from the Rotary Foundation, The Hunger Project, and Ethiopian sources.
Past winners include the Rotary Foundation, which has raised millions for an ongoing global campaign to stamp out polio.
By 2007, there was a female trustee of Rotary's charitable wing The Rotary Foundation while female district governors and club presidents were common.
Due to significant support from The Rotary Foundation, $50,000 was used to construct new wells so that residents of the high school had access to safe, drinkable water.
Crews has been awarded an International Paul Harris Fellow by the Rotary Foundation.