While looking around they see that most of the houses have TV antennas on them, which Rose recalls should be rare in this time.
As Rose recalls the notes of a particularly horrible aria from her recent performance, Kid finally loses his temper.
Rose recalled later, "They were 15 lines in Latin, but they changed everything.
Rose recalled her love of clay which began in kindergarten and began working on making pottery.
Rose recalled how, when he became the Reds' manager, the clubhouse had no television.
A few days later, Rose recalled, a local official knocked on her door.
"After they filed the charges, I went over to her house and we had a party," recalled the unrepentant Rose.
An excerpt from this episode is used in "Bad Wolf", when Rose recalls where she had encountered the phrase before.
Her son, Rose recalls, wondered why she didn't just jump out the window, since she lived on the 33d floor.
Rose recalled this to be a gesture of amusement.