Rose arrives in Midwestern city, disoriented and afraid.
But since Taylor and Rose arrived, Williams's playing time has been cut almost in half, to 8.4 minutes a game from 16.2.
She made it clear that they had waited up to meet him, and he and Rose should have arrived hours earlier.
Rose arrived this afternoon straight from one of those ubiquitous card and autograph shows, for big bucks, at a certain gambling den in New Jersey.
One source said: 'When Rose arrived in Perth, the old money prepared to accept her around the scene.
Few Knicks are untradeable, even with Rose having arrived in the latest deal.
Rose arrives, and is given a tour of Bobb's collection.
By the time that he unlocked the door and switched on the light, Rose had arrived at his side.
Suitcase and Rose arrive just as the second man attacks her.
The Knicks were already a mess when Rose arrived and he did not feel comfortable asserting himself as a newcomer.