Ron Walker entered at eight-one that Monday morning, and looked about with the sinking feeling that he'd been had.
Ron Walker was waiting in the outer office, familiarly perched on a corner of Miss Shue's desk.
Ron Walker calmly filched a chair from the next table, and joined them.
Ron Walker sat up, and said brightly, "Give with the news!"
Ron Walker called for Darzek in a limousine.
Ron Walker asked.
Ron Walker, a legendary advance man in the old days, was chief troubleshooter.
"It's like trying to find a needle in five haystacks," said Ron Walker, a Houston police lieutenant.
Ron Walker, the former President's top advance man, said the mood was far from funereal.
Over 2300 entries were submitted, with 48 finalists selected by a committee chaired by Ron Walker.