In October 1995 a Romanian court ruled that he was the legitimate son of King Carol II.
In 1993, the Romanian court announced that his sentence is still valid, as he was illegally released in 1989.
The Romanian constitutional court subsequently declared the referendum invalid by a vote of 6-3 due to the fact that turnout did not reach 50%.
Dr. Zugravescu said Romanian courts would not consider any case that did not originate with an accredited agency.
The driver was initially sentenced to 7 years in prison by a Romanian court but this was later reduced to 6 years.
In addition, in 2008 Munaf was convicted by a Romanian court of complicity in the kidnapping.
German requests for extradition of Pleşiţă were not granted, and he was tried instead by a Romanian military court.
In June 2007, the order was confirmed again when the Romanian court rejected EADS' complaint.
While he was in Russia, another Romanian court sentenced him to death in absentia, as part of the Dealul Spirii Trial.
Munaf's business partner Omar Hayssam was sentenced in absentia to 20 years in prison after a Romanian court found him guilty of masterminding the kidnapping.